Hunting Scene - Original Etching by Antonio Tempesta - Early 17th Century Early 17th Century
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Various Old Masters, Animal Figures from Ancient Rome, Original Etching, 1750s
J. Teyler, 17th-Century, Etching
Jean François Poletnich, Study of Horse, Plate 80, Etching, 18th Century
Antonio Tempesta, The Donkey, Etching, 1610s
Jacques Baron, LAl Adulte, Etching, 1771
After Charles Coleman, The Donkey in the Roman Countryside, Original Etching, 1992
Thomas Holloway, Elephants, Original Etching, 1810
Unknown, Sphinxes from Ancient Rome, Original Etching, 1750s
Leo Guida, Horse, Etching, 1976
Jacques Menil, Le Pigeon-Paon, Etching, 1771
Louis Legrand, Le Margay, Etching, 1771
Louis Legrand, Le Chat Sauvage, Etching, 1771
Louis Legrand, Le Brebis, Etching, 1771
Marcel Gaillard, Anatomy of Animals, Etching, 1771
Jean Moitte, Skeleton, Etching, 1771
Louis Legrand, Le Patas a Bandeau Blanc, Etching, 1771
Jean Moitte, Skeleton, Etching, 1771
Jean Moitte, Le Verrat, Etching, 1771
Frnaçois-Philippe Charpentier, Moustac, Etching, 1771
Jean Gullaume Moitte, Le Zibet, Etching, 1771
Juste Chevillet, Le Belier D'Islande, Etching, 1771
Claude Jardinier, Le Buffle, Etching, 1771
Juste Chevillet, Le Loris, Etching, 1771
Antonio Tempesta, Dog, Etching, 1610s
Johann Jakob Haid, Portrait of Johann Kepezky, Etching, 1734
Jean Charles Baquoy, Phalanger Male, Etching, 1771
Herisset, The Skeleton, Etching, 1771
Jacques Baron, The Skeleton, Etching, 1771
Pierre Francois Tardieut, Le Coquallin, Etching, 1771
Jacques Baron, Le Milan, Etching, 1771
Louis Legrand, The Skeleton, Etching, 1771
Jean Charles Baquoy, The Skeleton, Etching, 1771
F. Hubert, Le Vautour, Etching, 1771
Louis Legrand, La Fossane, Etching, 1771
Jacques Baron, Le Porc, Etching, 1771
Jean Charles Baquoy, LOcelot Femelle, Etching, 1771
Jean Charles Baquoy, Le Coendou, Etching, 1771
Madeleine Rousselet, Le Vansire, Etching, 1771
Madeleine Rousselet, LOrfraie, Etching, 1771
Louis Legrand, Le Tarsier, Etching, 1771
Jean Charles Baquoy, Lonce, Etching, 1771
F. Hubert, Le Roi Des Vautour, Etching, 1771
Jean Charles Baquoy, Le Surikate, Etching, 1771
Jean Charles Baquoy, Phalanger Femelle, Etching, 1771
Jean Charles Baquoy, La Panthere, Etching, 1771
Jean Charles Baquoy, Le Leopard, Etching, 1771
Louis Legrand, The Skeleton, Etching, 1771
Jean Lepautre, Wildlife, Etching, 18th Century
Jean Lepautre, Wildlife, Etching, 18th Century
Stefano Della Bella, Camel Study, Original Etching, 1640s, Framed
After Charles Coleman, Wild Horses in Roman Countryside, Etching
After Charles Coleman, Antelope in the Roman Countryside, Original Etching, 1992
After Charles Coleman, The Bulls in the Roman Countryside, Original Etching, 1992
After Charles Coleman, Antelope in the Roman Countryside, Original Etching, 1992
After Charles Coleman, The Bulls in the Roman Countryside, Original Etching, 1992
After Charles Coleman, The Bull's Skull, Original Etching, 1992
After Charles Coleman, The Bulls' Fight in Roman Countryside, Original Etching, 1992
After Charles Coleman, The Buffalo, 1992, Original Etching
After Charles Coleman, Antelope in the Roman Countryside, 1992, Original Etching
After Charles Coleman, The Bull in Roman Countryside, Original Etching, 1992
Thomas Holloway, Heads of Birds, Original Etching, 1810
Various Old Masters, Animal Figures from Ancient Rome, Original Etching, 1750s
Various Old Masters, Animal Figures from Ancient Rome, Original Etching, 1750s
Various Old Masters, Animal Figures from Ancient Rome, Original Etching, 1750s
Various Old Masters, Animal Figures from Ancient Rome, Original Etching, 1750s
Thomas Holloway, The Birds, Original Etching, 1810
After Charles Coleman, The Bulls in the Roman Countryside, Etching, 1992
After Charles Coleman, The Bull in the Roman Countryside, Etching, 1992
After Charles Coleman, The Bulls in the Roman Countryside, Etching, 1992
J. Meyer, After the Hunt With a Pack of Hounds, 17th-Century, Etching